When to shut up......Complaining may help in many situations, but some problems are best resolved with silence.
For instance....When you have already complained and complained.
If you've already said your piece and rolled your eyes in disagreement, and yet nothing is being done about your complaint, it may be time to shut up.
Or when it it not your place.....If you have a compliant about your collegue's dressing or your boss's attitude, its called gossiping. When it is not your place, refrain from complaining as it is going to do more damage than good. Always complain with the intention of improving the situation.
Here are the 10 Commandments of Complaining.
1. Hold complaints for at least a day before voicing it out.
2. Attack a problem, never a person.
3. Accept the things you cannot change and change the things you can.
4. Limit your complaint to one problem and be specific.
5. Choose your battles. Attack the most important problem first.
6. Complain with the intention of change, not competition.
7. Don't try to change the world, focus on improving your little corner.
8. If you expect your organisation to be perfect, you need to change your expectations.
9. Don't complain all the time, it will be mistaken for whinning.
10.Always compliment in between complaining.
Always keep in mind....People who complain all the time are dislike by others.
So know when to shut up.